There were two times today that took my breath away. This was so special to me because it has not happened in so long. I had felt like I had lost my delight in nature, but it was restored. I was walking to work at about 5:52 pm. I turned a corner and...the sunset. I have seen many like it and many more beautiful, but this one was made for me to see. I had to stop. And when I was done stopping I took a picture because it was the reasonable thing to do.
So my heart cracked a little in that moment. But it cracked in a good way. Winter had frozen it. And that sunset began the thaw.
I got to work in the stinkin' Cougar Den (on campus foodplace) only to discover that my Sunday shift was removed! Don't worry, I have been trying to drop that shift since I picked it up. I was not even mad that I had walked all the way to campus for no reason (as we all know, there was secretly a reason).
I begin the trek back home and I basically have a skip in my step. That stops real quick when I encounter TORNADO SPEED WINDS. AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. It felt like real, full life was hitting me in the face. I was being filled by the most bitter and awakening wind of this epoch.
And there I was.